If your searching for root canal treatment in Houston, our dentist at Emergency Dental Center can help today. Same-day appointments and same-day root canal treatments are done on the same day.
A root canal is the removal of dead tissue from inside the tooth and its replacement with a dental material known as gutta percha. Advances in root canal treatments permit dentists to perform this complex treatment in a relatively quick fashion. Most root canal treatments can be completed in a single appointment lasting 1-2 hours. If you are experiencing, pain, jaw swelling, advanced decay, or an abscessed tooth, your emergency dentist may recommend a root canal treatment. A tooth often becomes abscessed after it has become overwhelmed by nerve infection and dental pain. Your dentist may recommend root canal therapy if the nerve of the tooth is damaged due to advanced decay or nerve infection. The goal of the dentist during a root canal treatment is to remove the damaged nerve after which the canal is disinfected and sealed with a special material.
It is normal to feel anxious or nervous about your root canal treatment, but they’re no need to worry. Most people who have undergone a root canal will share that the treatment is relatively pain-free.